Monday 3 December 2012

What now for Brand Beckham?

So it ends. David Beckham has played his last game for LA Galaxy, so after 5 years & 2 MLS trophies has Brand Beckham worked in the USA? After a scout on YouTube alone you can see Golden Balls being the face of  H &M Burger King & Sharpie pens over in the states. Whilst aside from advertising Beckham has appeared on the likes of the Elen Show, Jimmy Kimmel, David Letterman & Jay Leno.

All of which are major shows on American TV and will only serve to boost the game. Whilst Beckham has moved to the Galaxy the league has seen an influx of European players coming to the MLS towards the end of their career. In recent years Alessandro Nesta, Freddy Ljungberg, Rafael Marquez, Tim Cahill & Thierry Henry have all moved to the MLS.

Beckham was the trailblazer in many respects. The Midfielder had plenty of other options to join elsewhere when Galaxy came calling in 2007 with a salary cap busting wage offer and the promise of some shares in the club. Something that according to reports Beckham is interested in taking up.

Realistically now whatever the next stop is for the Brand Beckham bandwagon it should be his last. At 37 now Beckham perhaps has two maybe three good seasons left in him, and a move to a lower profile league would be a likelier option, where Beckham can wind down and count his sponsorship millions.  So whats more refreshing than a run down of some of the least fancied options for Beckham on his next club move.


Recent speculation has link Beckham with the A-league in recent weeks. Something which has just as last week was rejected from Beckham's camp. The Australian league is in its relative infancy having just formed in 2004. This year marked a serious change of tact from the sides, with selected clubs choosing to  pursue 'Marquee signings'. With former internationals  Shinji Ono, Brett Emerton & Err Emile Heskey all joining up. 

Pick of the star signings was Juventus legend Alessandro Del Piero  who signed up for Sydney FC. Understandably the frenzy was inevitable and the league even created a 'Del Piero day' to market tickets for the games. Currently two teams have thrown their hat into the ring from the A-League in the form of Perth Glory & Melbourne Heart. The move certainly could make sense for Becks if he wishes to boost the profile of football in a far flung land. Just like he did when he signed for the Galaxy in 2006. 


 Perhaps a slightly left field shout would be Russia. In recent years the Russian Premier league has managed to snare the talents of  Hulk, Guus Hiddink, Slaven Bilic, Samuel Eto & David Bentley . The league is getting more competitive, and after winning the right to host the 2018 World Cup, the addition of Beckham would serve as a significant boon for the league and country.A move would definitely highlight the league to more established stars.

Money certainly would not be a problem for any potential buyers, as Russia is home to the world's most highest paid footballer in Samuel Eto'o. The Cameroon international earns a staggering £364,583 per week with Russian side Anzhi Makhachkala. So if Beck's is looking to add to his status as the worlds richest sports person, he certainly could benefiting from receiving some pocket money from Russia's mega rich Oligarchs. 


Finally the last option on the Brand Beckham radar could be China. The country has in previous years gone to Beatle Mania like lengths of frenzy when Golden Balls visited Guangzhou with Real Madrid. Like Russia the league is furnished with a number of millionaires who are fast filling up teams with former European based players.

In the last two years Didier Drogba, Nicolas Anelka, Lucas Barrios  Yakubu &  Marcello Lippi have all made the Chinese Super league their home (along with a hefty pay rise).  Foreign players are on a quota of four per team, however teams competing in the Asian Champions league can call upon a extra foreign player. Perhaps Beckham could serve as a glamorous signing for a top 4 Chinese side.  

Beckham will of course not be the first English superstar to play in China. Notable players include Paul 'Gazza' Gascoines stint in 2003 with  Gansu Tianma & former Aston Villa 'danger man' Marlon Harewood lacing up with Shenzhen Phoenix for a six month stint in which he scored an impressive 4 goals.

Wherever Beckham decides to call home he will be inundated with offers from all the right places. Us at TDF will be looking on with interest hoping, wishing & even praying that Golden Balls heads to one of these destinations. Just so we can say 'we told you so!'