Monday 25 June 2012

We need your suggestions!

Gerrard may look glum- But he is thinking up some feedback for the blog. 

At Total Digital Football towers we are always on the look out to improve our blog. We really value your feedback and that is why we are looking for any comments, thoughts or feelings about what we are posting up. With the European championships coming to a close and the impending London 2012 Olympics football tournament we are looking to get the site running perfectly in time for the big kick off in the European leagues.

So from our subject content, to the blog's layout or even the pictures we use. We want your points of view in  order to shape our content to appeal to you, our readership. So all you need to do is to drop us a comment on the blog or drop us an e-mail with your comments and we will get back to you on the feedback.

Every comment will be greatly appreciated. As ever keep following our blog for all the latest developments in the digital football road, and don't forget to give us a follow on Twitter!


Mitch Freeley

Editor- Total Digital Football

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