Thursday 21 June 2012

Ronaldo fronts Nike social activity as Portugal kicks-off Quarter Final showdown

Source: Nike
Words: Ronan Shields

Nike’s football is often keen to leverage the game’s international sporting tournaments to bolster its social marketing efforts and today Cristiano Ronaldo is at the centre of its activity.

This comes as the Portuguese side, captained by Ronaldo himself, prepares to kick off against the Czech Republic in the UEFA tournament’s first Quarter Final game. 

As arguably Nike’s most high profile brand ambassador, Ronaldo’s visage fronts the latest Facebook and social media campaign from Nike Football, dubbed ‘Power your Nation’.

Source: Nike

 Facebook users are encouraged to upload pictures of themselves taking part in football action with the campaign also running with the slogan ‘My Time is Now’.

Nike is also encouraging Twitter users to participate in its social campaign by tweeting their sporting achievements using the hashtag #makeitcount, which is also emblazoned on much of the outdoor activity, see image left. 

All of this continues from the sportswear brand's multi-million campaign launched ahead of the tournament with a viral video featuring its top brand sponsors, including Ronaldo and France's Frank Ribery, see video at bottom of page.  

This follows on from Sagres, the foremost Portuguese branded lager, running a ‘We are a Beautiful Nation’ campaign where it encouraged users to submit photos of themselves to its Facebook page, see below.

Source: Sagres

The eventual winning entrant being flown to last weekend’s game between Portugal and Denmark in Ukraine.

Earlier in the year, Total Digital Football reviewed the Ronaldo-branded mobile app

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