Friday 10 February 2012

Futera project points to unique online management experience.

Futera FC is a unique online football management experience involving the first online community to manage and make changes to a team, live during the game. I managed to catch up with Co-founder Adam Partlington to find out more.

Adam, what is Futera FC? 

 Futera FC is the first Football Team in History EVER to be managed by an Online Community. The team play just outside of London on a Sunday Morning. Fans of Futera World Football Online (Interactive Football Trading Card Game) come online and manage the team via our interactive platform at We have Virtual Managers from all over the world, but predominately the South East Asia region. 

Sounds interesting, how does it work? 

Throughout the week the Futera FC Virtual Managers vist our Facebook page with their suggestions on what the team should focus on in training and vote on tactics for the coming game. On a match day, they come online at around 10am GMT before kick-off at 10:30am. Once the game begins the Virtual Managers watch the action via LIVE streaming to the website. The also offer their suggestions and we post polls on tactics and subs! They manage the game from the comfort of their computer screens! The information and decisions they make we relay to Pitch-side. It's great fun!

How has the project gone so far? 

It's going well, we have only pushed the idea within the realms of our customer base within our online game. We average a decent amount of Virtual Managers per-game and interaction is growing. It's a great idea but we believe these things take time if you want to produce the most fun. We've had some minor hiccups but on the whole things are moving forward.

How do the Players feel about the project?

They engage with the product incredibly well , they've become mini-internet celebs. A lot of these lads will never play professionally; the project gives them a chance to taste the life of a Footballer. The exposer and the ability to watch your performance back (due to highlights of each game being shown the website). There's also the pressure, the players have to perform as a lot of our Virtual Managers expect the team to do well. We've had players join from the Premier Division due to them hearing about the project. If I'm honest, I'm jealous I never got a chance to play within a project like this one! 

What does the future hold for Futera FC?

The sky’s the limit really. It's something that is so exciting to be involved in. There is still a lot of work to do and we still have certain things that will need tweaking before we let this loose to the masses. However, we are confident that this idea works given the results we've already received. I like to think we are giving Football back to the fans with a project like this; you support the club and manage it. It's great. 

If you want to get involved with Futera FC and become a Virtual Manager, like them on  Facebook and head over to Futera FC on Sunday mornings, kick off at 10:30am GMT.

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