Wednesday 18 April 2012

Barca poised for mobile expansion‏.

Barcelona is about to launch the latest addition to its mobile app range FCB Regal Shootout as it puts mobile at the core of its global expansion. The Catalan footballing giants announced the launch as it prepares to take on Chelsea in London this evening in the first leg of the UEFA Chamion’s League semi-final tie. It remains unclear as to just how FCB Regal Shootout will play out, as does the initial launch date, but the title makes it pretty clear what the theme will be. Just see below for a taster of what to expect.


In an interview with news site new media age  Didac Lee, Barcelona’s head of technology and member of its board of directors, said the launch was part of its ongoing FCB Apps programme.

“We have made an important commitment to becoming the leaders in the technological industry which is growing around the world of football,” he said.

“Just as Barça are a reference point on the pitch, so we want to become a technological reference point in the sporting world. That is being achieved through an ambitious programme called FCB Apps,” added Lee.

FCB Apps is open to mobile app developers who can sign up to the programme which lets them access exclusive club content – like images and updates like new club signings.

“We are very happy with the way this idea has been received: we are getting 2 to 3 proposals a day and we are sure that this will prove to be the best way to expand our catalogue of apps,” added Lee.

Apps already launched via the programme include: FC Barcelona Fantasy Manager, FCB Watch, FCB Live or FCB World Tap all of which can be downloaded from the App Store. The Champion’s League holders, who are attempting to emulate the AC Milan side of the early 90s by winning the competition in consecutive years, also sees 15% of its online traffic come from mobile phones.

The club launched its first mobile optimised site in February this year as part of a Google-led initiative ahead of the mobile industry trade conference Mobile World Congress, hosted in the city. The site itself was developed by design studio Psycle, which has offices in London and Barcelona itself, who helped launch mobile-optimised sites for over 26 different institutions around the Catalan capital.

From the usage statistics on the site which is written in three languages – Catalan, English & Spanish – it is mostly used by fiercely loyal locals. Mark Gristock, commercial director of Psycle, also told new media age that approximately 80% of the traffic to Barcelona’s mobile site came from within a 3Km radius of the club’s stadium Camp Nou. 


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